A New Look for TellyJuice

Time for TellyJuice’s zingy JAFFA ORANGE inspired logo

TellyJuice Juicy Jaffa Orange logo

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Jaffa Oranges

  1. The Jaffa orange was developed by Arab farmers in the mid 19th century as a ‘sweet and fine’ and virtually seedless orange.
  2. The many health benefits contained in a Jaffa Orange include: limonoids which help to fight against cancer, polyphenols that reduce inflammation and combat viruses, vitamin B6 which helps produce serotonin – to keep us happy. They are also effective at relieving constipation and protecting sperm from genetic damage! Feel free to try for yourself.
  3. The Jaffa Orange has become a symbol of Palestine’s conflict with Israel.
  4. The Jaffa Cake was named after the orange, albeit a UK invention.  Interestingly the Jaffa Cake is legally classified as a cake as opposed to a biscuit.  VAT is payable on chocolate covered biscuits, but not cakes.
  5. It takes approx 2,380 orange slices to power an iPhone.  See below: