Video Guidelines for Facebook

The launch of Facebook’s native video player ushered in a new era for the social network. Now you can see embarrassing status updates from your auntie in glorious technicolour. But with Facebook Video came a new box of tools for the budding e-marketeer. Before you embed your entire TV advertising campaign in one status update, read these marketing tips for Facebook Video.

Set specific targets

As with any marketing campaign, it is important to set targets before you start using Facebook Video for advertising. One of the advantages of using Facebook Video is the wealth of metrics that are available. This means your advertising goals can be more specific than in almost any other medium.

Facebook’s business site lists the various measurables you can use to determine a video ad’s success, including Page Likes, CTR, App Installs and Local Awareness. Decide which one of these you are looking to increase, and at which point you will consider your campaign a success. That way you can learn from your campaigns, and better tailor them for certain purposes.

Learn your audience

Though Facebook’s user figures keep growing, some people are getting worried about how Facebook harvests user data and feeds it to corporations. Thanks to Facebook Video, you can be one of those corporations! Facebook Video’s analytical tools allow you to learn exactly how users interact with your ad, right down to how long they spent watching it.

Facebook has retargeting tools that allow you to split your audience into users who watched the video for three seconds and users who stuck with it for 95% of its runtime. (These figures will be pointless if your video is only three seconds long.)

Once you have done this you can aim subsequent ad campaigns directly at those dedicated viewers that have already connected with your brand.

Try different variations

The copious amount of data available on a Facebook advertising campaign lends itself to A/B testing. It really is as easy as A, B.

See the amazing results you can generate when you put two videos up at the same time, perhaps completely different in content or perhaps only slightly different edits of the same footage. The relative likes, engagements and click throughs can give you a lot of information about which video works best. The cost of an advert can be balanced out by the money it generates from sales. If one ad is performing better than the other, switching to that one alone will save you money.

Make a great video

No matter how well you know these tips and tricks, the most important part of a successful Facebook Video ad campaign is a great video. Corporate video production is our speciality here at TellyJuice, so get in touch if you would like more help.

For now, here are some final tips to make a video perfectly suited for Facebook:

 – Make it stand out. Videos autoplay while users scroll through their timelines. They will only stop to watch the whole thing if the beginning catches their eye.

 – Make it snappy. 53% of videos on Facebook are viewed for 30 seconds, so keep them under this length for maximum viewing potential.

 – Make them work without sound. Though many users will click to hear your video’s sound if they like it enough, a video that still conveys your message without sound will do better when it autoplays silently.