How Creative Briefs make all the difference


In 1969 Mick Jagger famously sent Andy Warhol a creative brief to design the cover of The Rolling Stones’ “new hits album”.  It’s a wildly vague and generous brief, in which Jagger pretty much requests Warhol to create whatever he wants, for whatever price he commands.  It was Mick Jagger’s way of complimenting the pop artist and certainly reflects The Stones’ lead singer’s rock ‘n’ roll attitude.

Warhol designed the ‘crotch shot’ image for The Rolling Stones 1971 album Sticky Fingers.  It became an iconic image, proving Jagger’s trust in Warhol’s creativity paid off.  Sadly, briefs like this don’t really exist in the real world.  Jagger was a huge fan of Warhol (and later a close friend), which allowed him to give complete creative control to the artist.  The document was a starting point and contained contact detail and available resources, but other than that bears little resemblance to a creative brief of today


Sadly business is not so rock ‘n’ roll, there is no one go-to leading artist, and companies are a little more risk averse.  However, no matter what kind of advertising or marketing campaign you are looking to produce, a brief document is your starting point.

A brief is the foundation for any campaign and the map that will guide all creative thought.  If created with great care the project brief will benefit everyone massively.


FOR THE CLIENT: To provide a clear and concise document that has been agreed by your company stakeholders.

FOR THE CREATIVES: To inform and excite the creative team about the project, leaving enough space for them to create solutions in unexpected ways.

Simply put, the more precise your aims and your brief, the better your video will be.


There are countless Google search results for how to write the perfect brief.  Reading the advice alone is a full day’s work, before you’ve even put pen to paper.

At TellyJuice, we do the legwork for you.  Our brief document has been refined over many years and countless projects to draw the relevant information from our business and brand clients, so that we can create a video or campaign that they love, that’s on time and on budget.  And unlike Mick, we always agree the budget up front.

By asking you the right questions, we prompt the necessary answers from you.  Your answers will set the basis of a creative challenge to get our creative juices flowing.  All that you need to do is fill out the brief with brevity and clarity.  From that, we can draw inspiration.  Our only two recommendations would be:

1.  Keep your brief free of marketing lingo.

2  Do NOT paste in your company’s facts and figures unless they are entirely relevant to the project.


If you are planning a video project, GET IN TOUCH and we’ll be happy to send you our BRIEF TEMPLATE and the GUIDED QUESTIONS to help you complete it.